Joe Helper Ignored Me 
Victoria is the only state to set a maximum time an animal selected for sale can be held by a shelter. Our shelters oppose the ‘28 Day Rule‘ because it doesn’t take the circumstances of each individual animal into account. It results in the unnecessary destruction of cats and dogs who they would otherwise find homes for.
The Minister for Agriculture, Joe Helper, has the final say over changes to the Code of Practice so I wrote to him a letter asking that this unprecedented and unwarranted rule be removed. No response. I followed up by email. Still no response.
Joe Helper Ignores a Lot of People 
I felt a bit better to hear I wasn’t the only one being ignored.
In Victoria, a similar situation exists with all animal welfare issues being referred to the Premier for his decision, thus by-passing the Animal Welfare Advisory Committee (AWAC) which was established to provide community advice on the welfare of animals to the government.
The members of the AWAC are all highly motivated, talented professionals, yet the achievements of the committee remain negligible because the committee agenda and all debate are firmly controlled by the department.
Hugh Wirth – RSPCA Victoria Annual Report 2010