Dear Mayor and Councillors,
I am writing to you about Buster the Golden Retriever who was impounded by Council officers on Friday. He has received national media attention and many Australians are aghast to hear
Canterbury Council plan to kill him today.
Initial media reports sensationailsed the story without providing background on what may have led Buster to bite several people that morning.
Later reports indicated that there had been a ‘shouting match’ in the house and that the dog may have responded to a fight/argument. It was also revealed that the dog and his owner had been mugged at knife point the previous week.
- Joe Musumeci, the 62 year old neighbour who was bitten when trying to assist does not want Buster destroyed.
- 565 people are calling for A Fair Go For Buster on Facebook.
- Buster appeared stressed but not dangerous when being led from the house by Council Officers
- Qualified Dog Behaviourists have offered to assess Buster and work with him if needed
Buster appears to have suffered injury to the right side of his face. We still do not know the full story of what led to him biting those people.
It’s not possible to fairly assess the temperament of an injured dog who has just been impounded.
I ask that you call for a stay of execution until the best outcome for Buster can be determined. If indeed the owners have surrendered the dog then please consider the offers from professional organisations to assess him and find him a new home if appropriate.
Kind Regards,
Mike Bailey
They replied!